
How To Change Camera Angle Minecraft

In Minecraft, you lot may detect yourself in a position where the first person view might be unsatisfactory to you. Or perhaps you accidentally pressed a random push on your keyboard and yous can't leave of the odd view that y'all now find yourself in. In this brief commodity, we volition go over the different photographic camera angles, how to switch to them, and when they would be nearly useful.

How To Change View

In a Nutshell:

To change the camera view Minecraft between First Person View, 3rd Person Rear View, Third Person View. Y'all can do this past pressing F5 every time y'all want to switch the camera angle.

How you lot change the photographic camera view of your game depends on what system and version of the game you are playing. Here is a list beneath to help you figure this out:

  1. PC/MAC: F5 key.
  2. Pocket Edition: Interruption the games and then go to Settings. From there you will press the 'Video' button and then press 'Photographic camera Perspective'.
  3. PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Wii U: Press down on the left stick.
  4. Nintendo Switch: Press downwardly on the left joy-con stick.
  5. Education Edition: F5 key.

The Different POVs

The first point of view would be the default 1: Kickoff-person. Across existence the most unremarkably used point of view that players use in-game it also allows you to encounter items up close and personal the most efficiently.

Beyond being the most commonly used point of view that players use in-game it also allows you to see items up close and personal the most efficiently. 

With this view, everything is much more upwardly shut and personal, but it's express to only what you lot can see through this narrow view.

This leads us to the second indicate of view which would be the third person. With the 3rd person, you tin can meet not but your character only as well some of the space around them.

This leads us to the second point of view which would be the third person. With the third person, you can see not only your character but also some of the space around them.

In this view, you lot tin also be much more skilled at fending off multiple enemies at once without running likewise much of a risk of being surrounded. The drawback of this bespeak of view is that you won't be almost as precise when it comes to attacks or for mining as you would be in the first person.

The concluding view is the reverse 3rd person view. You still have a solid view of the character from this perspective, but you lot will find it lacking in the pragmatic area of your views. Since yous volition but be able to see what is backside yous, you cannot and will not be able to encounter what is in front end of you, making traveling like this a difficult prospect.

The final view is the reverse Third person view.

This view is mainly used for ii purposes. One: for instructional videos or for pictures. This view can allow y'all to place your character where there is a unique subject matter or backdrop behind them to talk well-nigh, or if you but desire people to see what your character looks like from their front. The other use is if you are running abroad from a situation and desire to run into if what you are running away from is far enough abroad from you.


Having different viewpoints to play within Minecraft can be loads of fun depending on what you lot are doing. At the finish of the day, it's not about which viewpoint is the best however, it'south how yous use that different viewpoint to your own advantage.


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