
Aug 12, 2021

As an adaptation of a video game, it's certainly clearing the low bar set by every one of its predecessors. But it's not truly special enough to transcend that.

Jun 24, 2021

Sonic The Hedgehog is not only another welcome entry into the subgenre of films based on video games, but it also happens to be a film that both hardcore fans of the Blue Blur and general audiences alike will love.

Jun 4, 2021

[The film] traffics in 'adult' humor in a bid to make parents in the audience chuckle with glee, but only works to make the entire audience uneasy.

May 29, 2021

Jim Carrey, in particular, gets to flex a muscle audiences haven't seen from him in about a decade.

Apr 23, 2021

Far more charming, coherent and less chaotic than expected, Sonic the Hedgehog succeeds where Cats failed and successfully reverses its pre-determined narrative set out by the Internet.

Feb 28, 2021

Sonic the Hedgehog is just good enough where we wouldn't mind a second dashing adventure in the not-to-distant future.

Feb 17, 2021

Sonic the Hedgehog is a much better movie than expected, and if they deliver anything near this level the next time around, moviegoers will have much to cheer.

Jan 27, 2021

Sonic is a surprisingly fully realized character trapped in a two-dimensional film.

Oct 22, 2020

Sonic's fan will broadly approve. Family audiences will enjoy it and forget it. Anyone with a specific interest in cinema already know what they are likely to think.

Oct 8, 2020

Overall it's not a family film that will wow you with originality, but it is one that will entertain all audiences watching, including fans of the original gaming franchise.

Aug 30, 2020

the kind of film you don't necessarily mind spending 90 minutes with, but it's also not necessarily a 90 minutes you would ever acknowledge publicly that you enjoyed

Aug 27, 2020

A tedious and entirely predictable film that in spite of its super-sonic hedgehog lead manages to feel dull and slow. A wasted Jim Carey fails to save a movie in which none of the characters inspires any sympathy.

Aug 20, 2020

With a facelift applied to his CGI visage after a disastrously received trailer, Sonic has arrived in a refreshing burst of kinetic energy and charm.

Aug 20, 2020

I'm a 100% sure this is the best you can get out of a Sonic the Hedgehog movie. Hilarious. [Full review in Spanish]

Aug 4, 2020

It is nonsense that bores me for an hour and a half without any intention of abandoning the showy effectism and the routine plot full of clichés of all kinds in order to move down the easier lane. [Full review in Spanish]

Jul 24, 2020

Hoping to capitalise on the wave of nostalgia around vintage video games, Paramount delivers a feature-length commercial to sell Sonic the Hedgehog merchandise to kids.

Jul 18, 2020

As the credits roll, you may leave with an amused smile, but not the emotional surge to cheer for time well spent. Don't hold your breath for Sonic's sidekick Tails to appear. You'll likely have to wait for the sequel in "Sonic 2."

Jul 14, 2020

Children younger than the age of 10 will probably enjoy Sonic the Hedgehog the most, but everyone else will have to sit through the same recycled tropes that have been seen many times before in TV cartoons over the years.

Jul 8, 2020

The film had such little effect on me that the biggest response I can muster is to shrug my shoulders and say 'meh, it was ok.'

Jul 5, 2020

Adults, even an aged millennial, should get a kick out of seeing Carrey actually have fun in a role for the first time in years. He taps into all his old manic energy here.