
Carmen Electra How To Be Sexy

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It's hard for Carmen Electra to retrieve a time when she wasn't intrigued by the opposite sex activity. "I was always boy crazy," admits Carmen, 36, who grew up in the suburbs of Cincinnati, Ohio. And that feeling is mutual: Men have e'er been crazy almost her. Since splitting
from rocker Dave Navarro in 2006, the petite star hasn't
exactly been hurting for dates. (At printing time, she had
recently begun seeing Korn guitarist Rob Patterson.)

And though Carmen conspicuously has innate foxiness, she's spent years honing her sultry persona, playing man-magnet babes in such flicks equally Scary Movie, Starsky and Hutch, and this year's Meet the Spartans. Carmen recently added two new DVDs to her Aerobic Striptease collection, and she is currently a spokeswoman for überglam Max Factor cosmetics. Last twelvemonth, she came out with a book aptly called How to Be Sexy. So how do you practise it? Says Carmen: "Merely throw yourself right into
it. At the end of the day, sexiness is all about self-confidence and your inner dialogue."

Only since nigh chicks need a little more to keep than
but their gut instincts, nosotros asked Carmen to spill all her
get-sexy secrets right hither.

Flirting Never Hurts

You can upward your allure by putting yourself out there —
subtly. "Being flirty is a way of letting a guy know you're
interested without making a fool out of yourself," she
says. Some tried-and-true pointers: Maintain centre contact for a few seconds to let a guy you've never met know that you've noticed him. On a date, feel out chemistry — literally. "Accidentally" making concrete
contact, whether it's using his shoulder to steady yourself
or picking an imaginary piece of lint off his shirt, does
ii things, says Carmen: It gauges his interest in you
and lets him know you're comfortable around him.

Dress to Get Noticed

"Take a risk," says Carmen. "Be audacious." Example in
bespeak: Not long ago, on a girls' night out at a lodge, Carmen
and her pals decided to dress for backlog. "We only thought,
Let'due south get dressed up and go glam rock and brand a really
fun night out of it. So we did, and as shortly as we walked
into the identify, people started to look. Three of my friends
met someone that night!" The message: Have fun with
your wait, and don't be agape to stand out.

Exist Ready

Carmen suggests keeping a "sexiness kit" in the car or
in a drawer at work so that you take what you demand
when you're faced with a state of affairs that calls for some
actress prepping. The essentials: "Perfume, lip gloss, and
a pair of heels" because they'll help you improve showcase
your legs. Knowing y'all look hot also boosts your all-effectually

Channel an Icon

When looking for a footling
style inspiration, Carmen recommends browsing the Web, believe it or not. "Google moving-picture show bombshells," she suggests. Her own idol is Ann-Margret,
whom she discovered in junior loftier when she saw the fiery vocalist-actress-dancer in the movie Bye
Good day Birdie.
"I watched it over and over and studied how she
moved, how she talked, and her expressions," she says.
Recently, Carmen was craving a new look, so she got cute bangs in an homage to the hairstyle worn by '60s
British model Jean Shrimpton.

Exist a Little Mysterious

In her book, How to Exist Sexy, Carmen writes,
"If you strike his curiosity, it's guaranteed that he'll exist back."
Just what's so captivating well-nigh a girl who isn't an open up book? "Guys
tin get bored hands," says Carmen. "A relationship has to have somewhere to become. Don't always
act available and all-around. Be vague occasionally,
and tell him yous are busy simply would love to gather
another twenty-four hour period when he asks you lot out."

Cease Obsessing Virtually Your Flaws

Instead of focusing on what you lot remember are the negative
aspects of your torso, "try exercising," Carmen advises.
"It will make you feel improve physically and
mentally." Another tip for ridding yourself of dissentious cocky-doubt:
Equally a longtime dancer, Carmen is peculiarly connected
to the ability of music and suggests creating a sexy sound
rails that puts you in a bold, confident frame of listen.
"Music is what makes you move; information technology forces y'all to feel something," she says.

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