
How To Fix Tablet Sensitivity

Sometimes You Really Want To Disable Windows Ink In Your Wacom Graphics Tablet.

This is an issue I ran into a while ago & it took me few hours before finding the solution. Which was simple, but very hard for me to come up with on my own.

As many of Wacom graphics tablets users, Windows produce these annoying bubbles you see whenever you press any modifier key like CTRL, Shift or Alt. One common solution is to disable these bubbles in the Group Policy in Windows. This solution has worked very well for me in Windows 7, but totally didn't work in Windows 10.

After some research, I discovered that disabling Windows Ink from the Wacom Properties dialog solve this problem, but I completely lose pressure sensitivity.

A little solution I found in Adobe forum completely solved this issue with me. So I don't take credit for it. I am just spreading the word here, which is part of what I do in this blog.

Quickly go to:-

  • How To Disable Windows Ink For Your Wacom Tablet & Keep Pressure Sensitivity In Adobe Photoshop.
  • And Finally
  • See Also:-

How To Disable Windows Ink For Your Wacom Tablet & Keep Pressure Sensitivity In Adobe Photoshop.

Kindly follow the following advice to solve this problem:-

Disable Windows Ink From Wacom Tablet Properties if you haven't already.

You can access this dialog from the start menu.


Open Notepad, or any text editor of your choice

As long as it can save files with the TXT extension.

Type the following lines in the file:-

# Use WinTab

UseSystemStylus 0

The first line is not really necessary, as it's a comment. And it just tells Photoshop to use Wintab on its own.

Save the file with the name PSUserConfig.txt

Place this file Into Photoshop settings folder.

C:\Users\[User Name]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\<Photoshop Version>\<Photoshop version> Settings\

The exact path is different based on the version of Photoshop version you have installed, as well as the username you are logged in with. In my case, the path was like this on the computer I am typing this with:-

C:\Users\Erica\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2015\Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 Settings

Note:- The AppData folder is hidden by default. You need to unhide it first before proceeding, or to just paste the folder name in Windows Explorer. Click here for the instructions on how to unhide folders in different versions of Windows.

Restart Photoshop if it's running & you are set to go.

And Finally

I hope this solution has helped you with this problem that made me pull my hair for some time. This solution may not be suitable to those who use other application than Photoshop, but at least it's useful for some of us.

Kindly check the available graphics tablets in the following Amazon links:-


See Also:-

  • Learn Photoshop CC With Pictures.
  • How to get rid of the right-click circle that appears while you press the pen your Wacom device (and many other graphics tablets).

I am an anime artist, and huge fan of digital art. I love drawing with pencils too. But I rarely do that anymore nowadays. Since some aspects of digital art can be tricky, I try my best to explain the concepts as easily as possible. View all posts by SweetMonia →

How To Fix Tablet Sensitivity


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